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NFSEG archive

NFSEG peer review

The intent of the WMDs is to ensure the NFSEG and attendant HSPF models are developed and implemented based on sound science and modeling principles. Peer review of model applications will focus on the appropriateness of the model, input data, calibration and verification procedures, and on the proposed uses of model results. The peer review process will be accomplished by a panel of modeling experts in an open forum consisting of public meetings and teleconferences, and submission of written peer review reports. It is hoped that this review will provide users of the model a level of assurance that the model and accompanying information is credible and unbiased, that the assumptions applied are reasonable, and that the results are reported fully and accurately.

Discussions among technical team members yielded general and specific criteria/experience requirements for the NFSEG and HSPF model review panel. Application of these criteria resulted in an interim selection of panelists, which was further vetted by the NFSEG Technical Team and resulted in the following individuals and/or firms be included on the peer review panel:



Louis H Motz, PhD, P.E., D.WRE, University of Florida

Chairperson/Review of Groundwater Model and Pertinent Information

Hal Davis, U.S. Geological Survey, retired

Review of Groundwater Model and Pertinent Information

Dann Yobbi

Review of Groundwater Model and Pertinent Information

Jim Rumbaugh, P.G. Environmental Simulations Inc.

Review of Groundwater Model Calibration Process (Implementation of PEST)

Brian Bicknell, RESPEC Consulting & Services

Review of HSPF Model and Pertinent Information

Peer review tasks

The peer review process has been divided into four major tasks, each with deliverables and meetings, allowing for Technical Team and stakeholder participation. In person meetings will be held at the district headquarters in Palatka and will be open to the public. A teleconferencing option will be made available to members of the public and to members of the review panel working from more distant locations.

Task A. Project Kick-off and NFSEG V1.0 Review

Task B. Phase 1 Draft NFSEG v1.1 Model

Task C. Phase 2 Review

Task D. Final NFSEG v1.1 Model and Documentation

Peer Review Related Documents
NFSEGv1.0 Model Documentation